
Seeming – Zookeeper [Utena AMV]


Carly Rae Jepsen – Beach House [Utena AMV]

I've Got a Beach House in Ohtori

of Montreal – Gallery Piece [Utena AMV]

Ohtori Piece

The Ones Who Walk Away From Ohtori


[Also on AO3]

My eyes stare unfocused out at the endless road and the starless night, and I realize that I would rather be anywhere else, anywhere at all, except here in this goddamn car. I hate the throb of the engine, I hate the smell of sex and gasoline, I hate the song playing on the radio, I hate the flashing of the streetlights racing past, I hate the rushing wind in my hair, I hate the feeling of Kazuya’s arm around my shoulders as he speaks, soft and smooth in that way he does, saying something I haven’t really been paying attention to.

“… It’ll be easy. The two of us together, there’s nothing we can’t do.” He’s leaned in close now, his other hand resting on my thigh, but I don’t feel anything at all. “All we have to do is win, and everything we ever wanted, it’ll all be ours.” He’s grinning, but it just looks hollow in this godawful flickering sodium light. “Just trust me…” I’m so tired. Tired and carsick.

From the driver’s seat, the man in the fancy white jacket finally speaks. “I now reveal the end of –”

“Stop the car.”

He chuckles, deep and rich. It makes my head hurt. “No need to worry, we’ve almost reached our destination. Now –”

Without really thinking about it, my hand finds my breast pocket and pulls out Kyoko’s switchblade, the one I haven’t let go of since the day she died. I’m already reaching around the seat, holding it at his throat. “I said, stop the fucking car.

xenofem's diceware wordlist


tldr: I made a dice-based passphrase wordlist where each word has a unique 3-letter prefix, so you only need to type the first 3 letters of each word in your passphrase. You can also get it as a print-and-staple zine, or a python script to generate passphrases.